110.01.21(四)-110.04.25( 日)
展覽地點:臺南市美術館2館3樓展覽室O & P
2021 Year of the Ox Exhibition – The Joy of the Brisk Spring
110.01.21 (Thu.) ~ 110.04.25 (Sun.)
Venue: Tainan Art Museum Building 2, Gallery O & P
2021年正逢牛年,在藝術的世界中牛也是常見的創作題材,而又因東西方的文化風情不同,對於牛隻的描繪和詮釋也有所不同。本次展覽除了搭配節日,展出許多與牛相關的展覽作品之外,也一窺東西方世界對牛隻認同的差異。 東方世界多以農立國,牛隻作為田野的重要勞動力,除了代表田園耕種的符號象徵之外,其勤勞純樸的形象,亦與臺灣人民吃苦耐勞的性情相合,成了許多藝術家表現臺灣精神,以及鄉土情懷的圖騰。在展覽中可見東方藝術家,以水墨、膠彩、油畫與壓克力,來表現牛隻耕種及休憩的各類神情樣貌。此外,也展示21世紀的當代藝術家對牛隻重新進行詮釋,如牛肉麵的喻意、家庭團聚的象徵,以及將勞苦的牛喻人在資本社會的生活等。 西方世界通常將牛隻作為畜牧業的代表象徵,作為肉品、鮮乳與皮革的來源,甚至是一種競技運動的要角。在藝術創作上,鄉村景致中常點綴著牛隻的出現,將之視為郊外原野風光的一部分,如法國於19世紀中葉興起的巴比松畫派,即常以牛隻作為郊外美景的主角。此外,鬥牛運動也常被西方世界視為重要的敬神和體育活動,西班牙更是將鬥牛士視之為英勇的象徵,展覽也透過經典的攝影作品,凸顯西方特有的牛文化。 本次展覽與國立歷史博物館、國立臺灣美術館、奇美博物館與楊英風美術館借出相關作品,並與許多藝術家和藏家借出個人代表與珍愛的畫作。種類舉凡油畫、膠彩、壓克力、雕塑與攝影等。作品的時間軸橫跨19世紀到21世紀,可謂豐富多元。透過眾多的牛群姿態,陪伴觀者喜迎新春。
2021 welcomes the year of the ox. As a common theme in art, “cattle/buffalo” can be depicted and visualized in diverse ways as seen in the widely different Western and Eastern cultural contexts. Apart from its new-year festive spirit, the cattle/buffalo-themed exhibition also invites us to look into what the it may suggest in the East and the West. Most of the Eastern societies are founded on agriculture, with cattle/buffalo providing the major labor force on the field. The cattle/buffalo not only symbolize farming, but also diligence and modesty, a spirit of perseverance and endurance that characterizes Taiwanese. Therefore, many artists borrow the image of buffalo to represent Taiwanese-ness and to capture the sentiments of the land. In the exhibition, we see how artists from the East use ink wash, gouache, oil paint, and acrylic paint to represent the various expressions of the working or resting cattle/buffalo. Meanwhile, the 21st-Century contemporary artists also offer their reinterpretation of cattle/buffalo, including the metaphoric beef noodles, family reunion, and the burden and yoke imposed on them as experienced in the capitalist society. The West often sees cattle as the iconic domesticated animal in husbandry for meat, milk, and hides, while it also plays an important role in recreational animal fighting. In the practice of arts, the rural scenery is often scattered with cattle to bring a pastoral touch, such as the cattle-themed landscape in the Barbizon school that started and became active in the mid-19th-Century France. It is also in the Western cultures that bullfighting is regarded as a major event in sports and worship, especially in Spain where matadors are praised as a symbol of bravery. The exhibition thus features classic photographic artworks to present the unique cattle culture of the West. The 2021 Year of the Ox Exhibition –The Joy of the Brisk Spring displays artworks borrowed from the National Museum of History, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Chimei Museum, and Yuyu Yang Museum, along with the much-treasured paintings by artists or from private collections. In the forms of oil paintings, gouache art, acrylic painting, sculptures, and photographs from the 19th Century to the 21st Century, the myriad images of cattle/buffalo arrive here with the joyful message of the festive new-year spirit.
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